Welcome to our Pro-Vision IPR
Jasola Apollo, New Delhi, India - 110025
Pro-Vision IPRPro-Vision IPRPro-Vision IPR

Contract Staffing

Small or large-scale temporary staffing on time and on budget

No matter how large or small an organization is, it is heavily dependent on its manpower needs. Larger organizations often require temporary/contract employees, pay on time, and comply with regulations. How can you accomplish this? Make us your temporary staffing partner! With us, you’ll receive customized, scalable solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Organizations often need additional labour with special skill sets without notice, making it difficult for in-house recruiters to move swiftly and hire teams to accomplish the task. With our contract staffing services, you will be able to put together a skilled team within the shortest possible time to meet your temporary manpower needs.

With over 26 years of experience as a leader in temporary staffing solutions, we offer our clients creative, scalable solutions tailored to their workforce requirements.

Our approach

Identifying and shortlisting Customized, scalable Quality Candidates Access Onboarding process

Our dedicated, expert team will get in touch with you to understand your workforce and manpower needs. We send you a brief with all the relevant information to guide us further in helping you, whether it is for top level, mid-level, or junior-level candidates.

We will create a customized model based on your business needs and develop a strategy tailored to your needs. It is easy for us to put together a team at short notice because we have access to pre-validated candidates. In addition, you can scale your manpower requirements up or down as needed.

Our talent pool is vast, sourced from a variety of resources, including online portals, recruitment drives, and social media sites. Our expert temporary staffing team screens and selects profiles that match your needs and conducts interviews to select the most suitable candidates.

We put extra effort into our temporary staffing, helping your new hire settle in once they are onboard. It is natural for new hires to feel out of place in a new environment, no matter their experience level. Our goal is to make sure that the team we have assembled achieves your objectives and results.


  • GF-27 TDI Business Centre Jasola Apollo, New Delhi, India - 110025
  • +919818132525
  • info@provisionipr.com


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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